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FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio is a nonprofit art space and creative education centre. The space is temporarily closed.

This website has served as an online archive since 2022.

FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio. All rights reserved.

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FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio is a nonprofit art space and creative education center located in both Taiwan and USA. Established since 2014, FOGSTAND aims to promote and exhibit rigorous creative projects that maintain the ability to channel into a broader emphasis on creative education throughout eastern Taiwan. Attentive to its unique context, FOGSTAND’s primary focus is on bringing contemporary creative practices into a reciprocal exchange with local communities.

©2014-2024 FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio. All rights reserved. 

2019-2021 program sponsored by NCAF (Taiwan)

2018-2019 program sponsored by VAF through Midway Contemporary Art (USA), Taiwan Film Institue, Taiwan Cultural Center in New York, Minstry of Culture (Taiwan)

2014-2017 program sponsored by NCAF (Taiwan)

Web template
by Cargo

Web maintenance
by Wen-Li Chen

This website has served as an online archive for FOGSTAND since 2022.

a reservoir / a ravine by Galilee Peaches

Exhibition on view: 9/10 - 9/18/2022
Opening : Sat., 9/10, 1-5pm
Venue: FOGSTAND @ St. Paul, MN, USA

Galilee Peaches is an interdisciplinary artist who studies the dynamics of intimacy betweenindividuals and within environments. She explores acts of retrieval, disruption and amendment, findingthat we leave distinct traces of ourselves and of our actions on the objects around us. Her aim is to recordthis imprint in order to better understand our individual histories and collective existence.
In this new work: ‘a reservoir / a ravine’, Galilee Peaches creates an archive that acts as a sieve; afictional collection of artifacts and found objects. A large wooden shelf is the centerpiece of theexhibition, hosting sculptures that appear calcified, forged or fossilized. This work reflects on theprecarious nature of excavated artifacts, personifying them and envisioning these objects as extensions ofthe body. The archive speaks to both care and neglect, placing value and negotiating loss. The forms areplaced in situ, which allows them to converse, spiraling into one another, generating fiction. This work ismade with an almost compulsive awareness to material and orientation, with each piece lingering on thesensation and implication of touch.

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