Gallery & Studio


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FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio is a nonprofit art space and creative education centre. The space is temporarily closed.

This website has served as an online archive since 2022.

FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio. All rights reserved.

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FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio is a nonprofit art space and creative education center located in both Taiwan and USA. Established since 2014, FOGSTAND aims to promote and exhibit rigorous creative projects that maintain the ability to channel into a broader emphasis on creative education throughout eastern Taiwan. Attentive to its unique context, FOGSTAND’s primary focus is on bringing contemporary creative practices into a reciprocal exchange with local communities.

©2014-2024 FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio. All rights reserved. 

2019-2021 program sponsored by NCAF (Taiwan)

2018-2019 program sponsored by VAF through Midway Contemporary Art (USA), Taiwan Film Institue, Taiwan Cultural Center in New York, Minstry of Culture (Taiwan)

2014-2017 program sponsored by NCAF (Taiwan)

Web template
by Cargo

Web maintenance
by Wen-Li Chen

This website has served as an online archive for FOGSTAND since 2022.





Taiwan (Hualien)—
This space is currently temporarily closed.

USA (St. Paul)—

This space is currently temporarily closed.

Dear friends,

Thank you for your unwavering support of FOGSTAND since its inception in 2014, starting from Eastern Taiwan. It is with a heavy heart that we announce the pause of our art and cultural development program, following the conclusion of our last program in 2022. This decision, though difficult, is a necessary step in our journey, one that we have been contemplating for some time. We apologize for the delay in communicating this, as it was due to our busy work and life schedules and the significant changes we have experienced.  

We were fortunate and privileged enough to host and manage the program remotely because of the support of family and friends. One of the biggest factors is that Wenli and Darren have their own families to support, and both sides of the family need more attention than before, especially during and after the pandemic.

We feel grateful and proud to work with each artist and organization that believes in us and supports us in providing free contemporary art events and programs for the public in different countries. After serious consideration and reflection, we finally have decided to pull the trigger and say goodbye to all of you as part of FOGSTAND.

We are immensely proud of the artists we have had the privilege to work with. Many of them continue to thrive and develop in various disciplines, in different cities and countries. For instance, Joo Choon Lin in Singapore had a solo exhibition at the Singapore Art Museum in early 2023. Chang En-Man in Taiwan was selected for the Istanbul Bienali and recently participated in a group exhibition with international artists at Taipei Dangdai, among other international contemporary art events and exhibitions. Galilee Peaches has relocated to New York and is making significant strides in her artistic career with several solo and group exhibitions, as well as residencies. Maggie Thompson had her first solo exhibition at Bockley Gallery and is actively building her textile design and art development with the community at multiple institutions. These achievements are a testimonial to their talent and the impact of FOGSTAND.

Wen-Li will soon teach Mandarin Chinese in the K-6 classroom and continue to make and design artist books. Darren will continue to teach at UW-Stout and focus more on his art development and writing.

While we have deactivated our Facebook Page and Instagram, all our content is archived on our official website: We understand the importance of staying connected, and if you wish to continue to do so, please feel free to reach out to us via email at We value your continued support and look forward to staying in touch.

Keep in touch with each artist.

Huge thanks to everyone who had been there with us and supported us in many different ways.

Goodbye, and we’ll see you sometime between Southeastern Asia and Midwest.


Wen-Li and Darren
Tuesday, May 28, 2024



立霧工作坊及藝廊有幸與世界各國的藝術家和機構合作,ㄧ起提供免費當代藝術活動、展演及節目。過去曾經合作過的藝術家,持續在他們的當代藝術創作上不斷地增長,比如:新加坡的余春琳在2023年初於新加坡國家博物館舉辦個展,臺灣的張恩滿於土耳其雙年展及臺北當代展出,美國的瑪姬·湯普遜在巴克禮藝廊舉辦個展及與不同的機構合作社群協力創作計畫,加里禮·皮區遷居至紐約,持續創作舉辦大小不一的個展及群展,臺灣的林安琪(Ciwas Tahos)獲選PULIMA表演藝術獎等,我們希望大家可以持續關注及支持他們在當代藝術上的創作及發聲。更多之前於立霧臺灣和美國展場上展過的藝術家,可以點至此連結持續關注他們。

雯俐會持續做藝術書籍創作及出版,達倫會持續於大學教書同時發展藝術寫作。立霧工作坊及藝廊已將臉書專頁及Instagram專頁停用,但會持續以網站作為檔案搜尋及研究內容為主。若需要持續與我們聯絡及未來合作機會,可以使用電郵作為主要溝通管道 —。


🙏️❤️ 雯俐、達倫