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Gallery & Studio
漢 ︎︎︎ EN
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FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio is a nonprofit art space and creative education centre. The space is temporarily closed.
This website has served as an online archive since 2022.
FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio. All rights reserved.

Get Happy / Happy Days Are Here by Justin Nelson
Exhibition on view: 10/30 - 11/06/2022
Opening: Sun., 10/30, 1-5 pm
Venue: FOGSTAND @ St. Paul, MN, USA
Exhibition on view: 10/30 - 11/06/2022
Opening: Sun., 10/30, 1-5 pm
Venue: FOGSTAND @ St. Paul, MN, USA
FOGSTAND is excited to announce, happy days are here / get happy, a solo exhibition by Glasgow-based artist Justin Nelson. Nelson’s work seems to be a doubling up of passage within the passivity of sentimentality, and how each upends the other into becoming another other of itself. What follows can be read as two separate, adjacent statements, as opposed to a two column text.
︎︎︎ 漢
︎︎︎ 漢