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Gallery & Studio
漢 ︎︎︎ EN
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FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio is a nonprofit art space and creative education centre. The space is temporarily closed.
This website has served as an online archive since 2022.
FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio. All rights reserved.

Building on the experience of last year, FOGSTAND would like to increase the diversity and connectedness of artists, workshops, and events by placing those responsibilities under the control of the exhibiting artists. In addition, we would like to make sure artists have a real opportunity to develop a larger context to their practice, both financially and artistically. We plan to achieve this by the following method:
Giving the artists a more generous stipend in order to stay within the local community of Jia-Li village (Hualien), while, at the same time, asking for more involvement in the day to day operations of the gallery.
The project outcome is one where the artist can afford to stay for longer and develop a connection to the place, a place that is at the heart of FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio. Too often artists come to set up work (or even pay to have it set up by someone else) and then leave. This creates a disconnect with the context that the exhibition is being presented in. So we hope to do something that is a hybrid of a residency program and a curatorial program, namely a curated artist-as-resident program. There is no open call, the artists are selected due to the quality of their individual practice and the promising additions they can make to workshops and events.
Due to the short amount of time that some artists will be spending at FOGSTAND, it is important that loose ideas about exhibitions, workshops, events, and talks be made in advance. It is completely understandable that the details will change, but it is important to begin making progress toward meeting the requirements as early as possible.
In 2015, FOGSTAND invited three artists from different countries as artists-as-residents over a span of 36 weeks. This artist-as-resident will be a fundamental force in the development and implementation of our overall program. In addition, the artist-as-resident will still have plenty of time to work toward an exhibition at FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio (Jia-Li Village in Hualien, Taiwan). Artist-as-residents will also be required to provide three separate activities for our community, namely a workshop, an event, and an artist talk/open studio day.
Invited Artists
Chang En-Man (Taiwan)
Joo Choon Lin (Singapore)
Maggie Thompson (USA)
Residency Period
Chang En-Man / Sep.,2015 - Nov.,2015
Joo Choon Lin / Dec.,2015 - Feb.,2016
Maggie Thompson / Jul.,2016 - Sep.,2016
Residency Venue
FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio (Jia Li Village)
No.12-1, Jia Li 2nd St., Xincheng Township, Hualien 971, Taiwan